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By Richard Blazek
Monday, May 05, 2003
Richard Blazek
With a background as a scientist and 15 years in IT departments of several pharmaceutical companies, I wish to continue applying my IT skills towards solving scientific problems. My breadth of experience in IT is considerable, spanning requirements analysis, systems analysis, systems architecture and design, development on Windows and Unix/Linux in Fortran, C, VB, Perl, PHP and Livelink OScript, building interactive web sites, and also in system testing. However my main strength is in being able to understand the language and requirements of scientific colleagues, translating these into specifications and working code. The projects in which I have excelled in the past have involved working on problems that require novel and innovative solutions where I have used computation to resolve technical questions, and I have a proven track record of successful system implementation. I am active in researching new tools for all stages of the software development lifecycle and keeping up to date with regulatory legislation.
1963 - 1970 'O' and 'A' Levels 1970 - 1973 BA Hons Natural Sciences Tripos (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology of cells). Christ's College, University of Cambridge. 1977 BA converted to MA Natural Sciences. Christ's College, University of Cambridge. 1975 - 1980 Welsh National School of Medicine, University of Wales.
Thesis title: Aspects of the Biochemistry of affective disorders.1996 Member of the British Computing Society (MBCS) and Chartered Engineer (CEng). Member of the Biochemical Society CAREER HISTORY
Company: Pfizer Global Research and Development. Grade: Principal Scientist. Responsibility: Technical consultancy and assurance, team leader and technical project manager. Achievements
1991 Development of enhancements to the in-house clinical trials data capture system, Pfizerclin. 1993 Implementation of Pfizer’s first electronic review aid for drug submission. 1994 Analysis, design and development of a pharmacokinetic file management system. 1995 Technical responsibility for development of Pfizer’s first Documentum pilot system for clinical trials applications. Full responsibility for the development and implementation of a laboratory data management reporting tool. 1996 Project manager for development of clinical trial tracking system, SMART. Project manager for development of the web application, The Guide. 1998 Team leader for delivery of electronic submissions. 1999 Design and technical assurance for development of the Response01 system, coordinating the technical development activities of a UK based software company, a US based statistician and the in-house biometrics team in building a system for determining the dose response curve of Neutrophil inhibitory factor (NIF) in stroke using a novel adaptive dosing algorithm. 2000 Technical assurance on several web development projects. 2001 Technical architect and assurance for the electronic clinical monitoring forms project (eCMF) version 1. Technical assurance for the development of a project reporting tool (PRISS) by an external provider. 2002 Technical architect, technical assurance and developer for the electronic clinical monitoring forms project (eCMF) version 2. 1987 - 1990
Company: Schering Agrochemicals Ltd. Grade: Systems analyst. Responsibility: Support manager for the Xybion Path/Tox system and for a Field Trials data capture and reporting system. 1986 - 1987
Company: PHLS Center for Applied Microbiology and Research. Grade: Senior Administration Assistant. Responsibility: Analysis, design and development of systems for scientific staff. 1979 - 1986
Company: PHLS Center for Applied Microbiology and Research. Grade: Senior Microbiologist. Responsibility: Developmental research for Asparaginase and Human growth hormone production teams.
Preferred work could be described as 'end user computing' or using computers to solve scientific problems. Not on my current CV, but which could be relevant to a potential employer or contract are my current interests in functional type languages like Lisp, Scheme, Rebol, Mozart/Oz, Haskell and Erlang.
My referred locations are Kent (England) where I currently live, or Valencia (Spain) where I plan to move to. Ideally I would work mostly at home but I am happy to travel wherever required.