Walk along the South Coast and visit to Barrington Court
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Lulworth Cove looking SW
Lulworth Cove looking SE
Jill over Lulworth
Descending to the east side of Lulworth Cove
Lulworth Cove and village
The fossil forest
Mupe rocks looking SE
Mupe rocks looking SW
The ranges from above Mupe rocks with burntout tanks
The bay at Arish Mell
Above Arish Mell towards Worbarrow Tout
Descent towards Worbarrow Tout
Worbarrow Tout towards Mupe Bay
Tired and lost pigeon near Worbarrow Tout
Worbarrow Bay, Arish Mell and Mupe Bay
Towards Brandy Bay
Oil well at Kimmeridge Bay
Barrington Court
Barrington Court gardens
Barrington Court gardens
Barrington Court gardens
Barrington Court gardens